martedì 23 giugno 2009

Read and make some typical, special recipes from Molise (Italy)


A few weeks ago we organised a little cooking course in a little cosy village in little Molise (central Italy). It was organized in the lit... ehm...:-) in the“Art & Breakfast” owned by the Swedish Janine Foppes.

A nice Dutch group took part in the lesson. Later they proved to be hot for that experience and to have the intention of living again in the proximate future and of proposing it to relatives and friends.

The lesson was held by a housewife from Colletorto (signora Maria), a little village located in the Molise hinterland, desiderous to convey that passion to foreign people.

Michele Vitale and the translator Antonella Montagano have worked on this initiative.

Here is the tasty and above all local lesson’s menu that, in the bargain, the group had for dinner:

- Rustic pie and toasted bread

- taccozze (hand-made pasta)

- local sausage,

- patate alla colletortese (local dish based on potatoes)

- pan-fried chards

- and to end with sweetness, scarole (a typical dessert) with honey and strawberries salad.

Here you can find the recipes.

A wonderful experience, that we'll definitely do again, soon! Would you like to join us next time?

Let us hold high the pride of Molise!

Prepariamo l'impasto...
We prepare the dough...

Stendiamo (Maria stende) la pasta
we (she) roll out the dough

In prima linea, le volenterose donne. In seconda linea, gli ingordi uomini...
First row: the willing ladies. Second row: the greedy men...

Dopo aver steso l'impasto, ci concediamo una piccola pausa per il vino
After kneading, and rolling out the dough we allow ourselves a
well-deserved wine break.

tutti a tagliare appassionatamente!
everyone's cutting passionately!

Che buone queste taccozze!!
Mhhhm.... how good these taccozze!

venerdì 19 giugno 2009

Come far nascere una comunità di successo

(english below)

Il ragazzo seminudo del video con uno stile personalissimo (e anche un pò fatto...) sembra darci 3 validi consigli:

1. Siate originali - Quando tutti sono seduti, alzatevi e muovetevi, come meglio vi pare.

2. Evitate gli spazi affollati - Se la gente non vede spazio per una partecipazione creativa, probabilmente non parteciperà.

3. Sostenete la vostra comunità - Siate vicini agli early adopter e gioite della loro partecipazione. Sono loro che danno forza e sostegno al movimento. Celebrateli.



The half-naked, probably intoxicated, delight of a dancing man in this video teaches some valuable lessons on starting a movement.

1.Be different – When everybody else is sitting, stand up and start shaking what your mother gave you.

2. Avoid crowded spaces – If people don’t see room to creatively participate, they probably won’t.

3. Embrace your core community – Reach out to early adopters and delight in their participation. These are the people who give your movement legs. Celebrate them.

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