You can read the programme of the evening at this link and at this other one.
The presentation will be centered around tratturi and transumanza, the ancient Italian custom, today scarcely in existence, in which large flocks of sheep in the mid fall were driven south from the hilly and mountainous regions of the Apennines to winter over in the more southern coastal plains of Puglia, passing through Molise.
The presentation will be followed by a rich guided tasting of great wines from Molise, coupled with some extraordinary food typicalities.

This event will be the first of a (I hope) long series of events to communicate and promote the best Molise in Holland and in other Northern European countries.
This will eventually lead to economic benefits for our Molise.
Indeed I am confident that this small Italian region has enormous potentialities, mainly unexplored, in the food tourism market (and therefore in the selling of relevant products and services) provided that the many and different local market offers and services are able to organize themselves and form a synergic system to inform, promote, sell.
The more people rowing, the faster the boat goes. Provided that, of course, that rowers to coordinate (and it's not easy).
It's not my opinion - the facts talk. Like newspaper articles like this one published on the Dutch media group Wegener or this one on the German Suddeutsche Zeitung and Italian shops abroad like this one in New York (which already sells products of Molise). Like this interview to the Italian secretary of economic development.
I love feedback on this post!